Tech can empower your teams; you just need to know how to build it.

Integrate With More Apps - GPT X Webflow Template
Works In Mobile - GPT X Webflow Template
Real Time Collaboration - GPT X Webflow Template
Automated Reports - GPT X Webflow Template

No two projects are the same.
No two clients are the same.

We're here to help the AEC industry take their tech game to the next level, to move fast and build things.


Years in Construction


Years in DevOps & Data

Technology Consulting

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Technology Consulting

We work with your teams

Whether it's sharing best practices or providing extra resources, we help teams find and leverage existing technologies that are best fit for your company.

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Identify quick wins

If you're not sure where to start, we can focus on the low-hanging fruit. A quick win could be automating a manual process, cleaning up software subscriptions, or finding quick-to-deploy market solutions for longstanding problems.

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Build digital strategy

After seeing us in action, you may consider having us consult on your broader build. Take a step back, let's design-build your perfect tech stack. We can help with the overall strategy, software selection, data infrastructure, cybersecurity, or even build a custom tool.

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Paolo Fortunato
Design-Build Director, EllisDon

"The Building Digital team found us a practical way to deploy Artificial Intelligence and replace a menial manual task, saving us days of work on each of our Design-Build projects."

Transforming Tomorrow, Building Digital Today


Years in Construction


Years in DevOps & Data

Let's Build Together

Get in touch with us today to see what we can do to help your AEC its fullest potential.

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“GPT X recognition improved speed and accuracy of inventory management”


“GPT X helped us maximize our customer retention”


“GPT X improved efficiency and accuracy in our manufacturing process”


“Our team was surprised by GPT X's great performance”


“GPT X reduced workload and improved customer satisfaction”


“Our business runs smoothly thanks to GPT X's AI”


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