We Help Builders Take
Their Next Tech Steps

We Help Builders Take Their Next Tech Steps

Whether you're just getting serious about tech or well into your digital maturity, we have decades of experience at your disposal.

Born Out of the Industry

What began as a General Contractor's self-performed IT Division is now an industry solutions provider.

We have 20 years of industry experience encompassing Network Administration, Software Selection and Integrations, Custom Software Development, SaaS Support, Data Infrastructure Development, Single-Pane Analytical Dashboards, VDC Services, Digital Asset Coordination, Cybersecurity Best Practices, and more.

Our Values

We stand by our values of complete openness, mutual respect, mutual accountability, integrity, and trust.

Steel-Toe'd Approach

Technology is not built to last, so we prioritize practical solutions deployed in a versatile way. No shiny new toy syndrome or tech for tech’s sake.


Despite the challenges, we are confident that the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry can reach its fullest potential and contribute to a better future for everyone.


We have designed, built, and contributed to the advancement of construction technology. We know that, with the right deployment and guidance, it can empower us to achieve great things.

3. Your Business Reaches "New Normal"

Agency Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateCompany Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateApplication Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateBusiness Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateEnterprise Logo - GPT X Webflow Template
Agency Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateCompany Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateApplication Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateBusiness Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateEnterprise Logo - GPT X Webflow Template
Agency Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateCompany Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateApplication Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateBusiness Logo - GPT X Webflow TemplateEnterprise Logo - GPT X Webflow Template

Hear what they say about us

Sophie Moore - GPT X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore, VP of Sales at Twitter

“GPT X recognition improved speed and accuracy of inventory management”

Hear From Our Clients

Paolo Vendetti
Company / Job Title

"In just two days, they built out an LLM tool that will go on to save us nearly 300+ hours of work every year."

The Building Digital team solved a manual process that we’d been trying to automate for the better part of 15 months.

Sophie Moore - GPT X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Head of Marketing at Facebook

“GPT X improved efficiency and accuracy in our manufacturing process”

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in volupta velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.

Matt Cannon - GPT X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon
VP of Sales at Twitter

“GPT X reduced workload and improved customer satisfaction”

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in volupta velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.

Seriously, Let's Talk

Phone - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

You Reach Out

We walk you through initial discovery, explore next steps, and help scope out a project that meets all your objectives.

Desktop - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

We Get to Work

Once your objectives are set and the scope is made plain, our team gets to work putting together the best plan for your business, offering options along the way, and providing updates as the project hits milestone after milestone.

Desktop - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Your Business Reaches "New Normal"

The road to a new normal doesn’t end with an install button. Our work is done when your team is comfortable and the new technology is operating as intended.

Sections - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Seriously, let's talk

Seriously, Let's Talk

1. You Reach Out

Automated Annotation - GPT X Webflow Template

Automated annotation

We walk you through initial discovery, explore next steps, and help scope out a project that meets all your objectives.

Automated Annotation - GPT X Webflow Template

Automated annotation

2. We Get to Work

Once your objectives are set and the scope is made plain, our team gets to work putting together the best plan for your business, offering options along the way, and providing updates as the project hits milestone after milestone.

3. Your Business Reaches ‘New Normal’

The road to a new normal doesn’t end with an install button. Our work is done when your team is comfortable and the new technology is operating as intended.

Your Building Digital Contacts

Business Development

Daniel’s career has been focused on various technologies across the lifecycle of the construction process, spanning roles that touched on design, construction, and operations. Daniel currently supports Building Digital’s clients, finding ways to use existing and emerging technologies to solve issues within the industry.

Marketing manager

A career of 10+ years in the construction industry, ranging from On-site Operations, Proposals, Intranet Management, IT Communications, and managing Marketing for Building Digital. Rory hosts the Building Digital podcast, Built to Code, and his recommended book is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

John Carter - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Business Development

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Let's Get to Work